“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” -Barack Obama, June 13, 2008, Philadelphia fundraiser.
I see no problem with what was said by Barack Obama. It's well known that this is simply harmful, political rhetoric when it comes from a Democrat politician playing the politics of fear.
Everyone knows that Liberals and Progressives don't really mean anyone any physical harm... 'cept Jared Loughner. But, we're not talking about him now.
As I was saying, liberals aren't violent. They would rather smoke dope, have free sex and sing Kumbaya...'cept Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dorhn. But, we're not talking about them at this time.
Liberals and Progressives just want to love everyone up... 'cept Van Jones... He’s called for violent revolution. But, that would be seen only as vitriol and hate speech, if it came from someone on the right. But it didn’t come from the right, it came from Van Jones. He’s a Progressive. Jones REALLY didn't mean that, did he? Jones gets a pass!
Liberals and Progressives are a lovable lot, devoid of any hatred, and incapable of hate speech... ‘cept for Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Everyone knows his kind of black liberation theology is harmless, non-incendiary, and isn’t violent. Not really...
Liberals and Progressives AREN'T violent. 'cept for Andy Stern, a crony of Obama. He allowed his SEIU thugs to beat up an African-American conservative. But that wasn't really violent. Not REALLY...
As I was saying, Liberals and Progressives NEVER call for violence. Not really... 'cept Bill Maher, who "joked" about Sarah Palin being the first of the useless people to be killed. That’s not really violent. No siree!
As I have been pointing out, Liberals and Progressives are incapable of violence, or hate speech. 'cept maybe Ed Schultz, who on MSNBC has stated several times that Conservatives need to be killed. But, that was just Ed exercising his right to free speech. Not really a call for violence. Not really.
As I was saying, in defense of Liberals and Progressives, they just don’t have a violent bone in their collective bodies. They NEVER engage in hate speech, 'cept maybe the SEIU thugs who assaulted black Conservative and a senior citizen Tea Party member. But, that wasn't REALLY violence. Uh-uh, Nope!
Liberals and Progressives NEVER call for harm against conservatives. 'cept maybe Randi Rhodes, who recommended as a "joke" during her Air America (Liberal talk) radio show, that G.W. Bush should be assassinated. It was just a harmless joke though. Rhodes wasn't serious.... Not really. She's a LIBERAL! Rhodes only said that, jokingly; tongue n’ cheek, "Like Fredo, somebody ought to take him out fishing and pow!" NOT VIOLENT! NOT HATE SPEECH! The funny part of the whole thing is when Rhodes imitated that sound of the gunshot. But, there was no harm done. Not REALLY. It was FUNNY though… Wasn’t it?
As I have been insisting... Liberals and Progressives only want to make love, not violence. 'cept maybe the criminals that destroyed and vandalized a large glass door with a chunk of cinder block at the Republican Party headquarters, in downtown Flagstaff. But, we must remember, it wasn't THAT violent, or hateful.
Nope! No violence or hate from the left. NEVER!
‘cept maybe the marching ‘Brownshirts (Oct, 2004) for Kerry’. Or, maybe the Leftist who spit (Oct, 2004) on Major Jerry Boyle, USMC, an Iraq War Vet, and candidate for Congress. They were just marching and spitting with peaceful intentions. But, they weren’t being violent.
There is NO violence from the left. It just doesn't happen. 'cept for one Joe Stack, who flew his plane into a Federal Building in Austin, TX. He was just peacefully expressing himself. It wasn't all that violent.
Folks, I cannot stress it enough. The Liberals and Progressives are not into violence. PERIOD!
Well… 'cept maybe for Clay Duke, who waltzed into a Florida school board meeting, armed with a handgun. Clay spray-painted a left-wing "V for Vendetta" symbol on the wall. Then peaceful Clay attempted to gun down the school board members. Eventually Clay inflicted peace upon himself. He shot himself. Good thing the peaceful Progressives and Liberals didn’t try to blame Clay’s actions on the right. That would never cross a Progressive’s or Liberal’s mind. They’re all peaceful and ethical!
Ethical? Remember Pelosi’s promise to drain the swamp? But, I digress…
Face it folks... There are no violent Liberals, no violent Progressives out there! Just as there are no racist African-Americans, there are no violent Liberals, or Progressives. It's a scientific fact! It’s 'scientifical', and etched into stone, as are all the transitional fossils in the evolutionary fossil record! 'cept for maybe Norman Leboon.
Laboon was registered as a Democrat, and had been a donor to Obama’s campaign. Leboon shot into Eric Cantor’s Virginia office. Leboon is also responsible for the peaceful, touchy-feelyYoutube video manifesto:
"My Congressman Eric Cantor, and you and your cupcake evil wife. Remember Eric, our judgment time, the final Yom Kippur has been given. You are a liar, you’re a Lucifer, you’re a pig, a greedy f*cking pig, you’re an abomination, you receive my bullets in your office, remember they will be placed in your heads. You and your children are Lucifer’s abominations."
But, that's hardly violence from the left. Not really. Leboon was just having some harmless fun.
Again, I cannot stress any more than this; Liberals and Progressives are NOT violent. 'cept maybe for the anonymous, peaceful liberal who called Congresswoman Jean Schmitt, then left the following voicemail:
"Yeah, I'm glad the president passed health care. Yeah. Funky ass, racist-ass Republicans hate that, don't you? Jean Schmitt, when you got hit by that car, you should've broke your back, b*tch. And Boehner, motherf****r that Mitch McConnell. All you racist f**king Republicans. Why don't you just change your party name to racist? Cuz if one of those f**king Tea baggers had spit on me, I'd have shot all them in the f**king face with my f**king 9 millimeter. F**k all you racist motherf****rs.
Laboon and the anonymous liberal caller are shining examples of how peaceful Progressives and Liberals truly can be!
It is amazing how peace loving Progressives and Liberals actually are… ‘cept for maybe a member at the social news site, Old Dogg. His handle is Novenator; He also goes by Novae elsewhere on the web. Novenator regularly uses multiple handles at the dig social news site. That way he can get maximum effect for his loving and peaceful, Progressive rants. Novenator’s legions of peaceful Liberal, and Progressive fans who follow him on his Twitter account, know him best under his nom de plume, Ole Ole Olson.
In Early August, 2010, Novenator posted following peaceful rant at Old Dogg: We need a little Che action in America right now. The yolk of corporate tyranny has taken over, the brownshirt fascists on the right who wrap themselves in the flag and carry a cross are only too happy to whore themselves out to this beast.
Armed revolution FTW!
Armed revolution FTW!
The rabid Novenator types, are just more examples that Progressives and Liberals do not always practice what they preach, when they speak of peace and tolerance.
What we have learned from these examples of tolerance shown by the Progressives, and Liberals who occupy the fringe, is that the caustic vitriol and poisonous rhetoric does not originate from the mainstream, Conservative side of the political aisle. Both sides are responsible for what is said. Only, the fact of the matter is, while both sides of the aisle should be working together to repair problems that are sinking this listing nation, it is the pundits on the left, supported and encouraged by a biased, left leaning media, who are getting all the traction in demonizing the right for the heinous crimes that Jared Loughner committed.
The left took a map posted by Sarah Palin on her Facebook page, and blamed if for encouraging Jared Louhgner to gun down an Arizona Congresswoman and dozens of her supporters. The left took the message of Palin’s map and spun it out of context, in order to politicize the murders committed by Louhgner. Palin’s map was intended to target political seats for the 2010 elections, in a grass roots effort to get certain public servants voted out of office. Clearly, it was not Palin’s objective to get anyone killed, or to put a literal gun-sight on a candidate’s back as some subliminal message that the target should be shot.
If Sarah Palin is guilty of the above allegations, and if we as a public are gullible and stupid enough to believe the spin the left is engaging in, then we as a nation have no hope to survive.
If Sarah Palin is guilty of calling for the assassination of political figures through the use of a simple drawn and simply understood graphic, then those leveling such charges against Sarah Palin and the Tea Party are guilty of the same, when they posted their own graphic targeting Conservatives.
One of Several ‘bull’s-eye’ and ‘Target’ maps created by the left.
The map shown above comes from the blog Verum Serum, who has done an outstanding job in displaying the several ‘bull’s-eye’ and ‘Target’ maps created by the left. I invite you to visit Verum Serum to fully appreciate the hypocrisy from the left who point their corked fingers at Sarah Palin’s ‘Target’ map.
It is time that the American people see through the spin, the lies and the chicanery perpetrated upon them by the Liberals and Progressives for political points and political gain. The left is not the solution, nor does it know the solution to all this nation’s ills, when it is the left that politicizes those ills for their own political gain.
The left has no solution. The left creates the problem.
As a nation, we should demand better from those on the left, and we should also hold the right to a higher and a better standard than what we expect from the left. For the right to achieve such standards would be a standard the left is incapable of ever achieving.
I dedicate this article to all the peaceful Progressives and Liberals out there. You guys need to really wake up.