Monday, August 2, 2010

Filibuster Elena Kagan

“We do not need a justice on the Supreme Court who sees it as her life mission to write the homosexual version of Roe v. Wade by striking down one-man, one-woman marriage across America.” Tony Perkins, President FCR

During the Elena Kagan hearings Democrats continued to paint the SCOTUS as activist and conservative. It seems as if the Dems on the Senate Judiciary Committee are passing around the same talking points (and maybe even a joint or two) from some leftist group.

Time and time again we heard the same mantra; Kagan is qualified to serve on the SCOTUS; Kagan will be a moderating influence; the SCOTUS is right of center and legislating from the bench and not upholding the Constitution.

One must wonder who’s spiking their Kool-aid. The fact of the matter is Kagan’s judicial philosophy is to the LEFT of Justice Sonya Sotomayor!

You remember Sotomayor, Obama’s first pick to the SCOTUS? She once said with ‘empathy and understanding’ that, “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Put those same words into the mouth of Justices John Roberts or Samuel Alito and change “Latina woman” to ‘white man’ and “white male” to (you name the race) and neither would have ever been considered for the court. The double standard that the Democrats play on the American public is amazing.

But this is about Kagan and her far left views. As advisor in the Clinton White House Kagan manipulated the findings of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to get a partial-birth abortion ban overturned.

As Dean of Harvard Law School Kagan defied the requirements of a federal law, known as the Solomon Amendment, and barred military recruiters at the school over “don’t ask, don’t tell” calling it “a profound wrong – a moral injustice of the first order.”

Following the death of Justice Thurgood Marshall for whom she clerked she wrote, “In Justice Marshall's view, constitutional interpretation demanded, above all else, one thing from the courts: it demanded that the courts show a special solicitude for the despised or disadvantaged.”

Ed Whelan, a commentator on judicial matters for National Review, wrote an essay on the myth that the current U.S. Supreme Court is “conservative.” He said that the ‘Roberts’ Court is actually taking small steps away from a leftist bent toward the center, but that the Court continues to remain leftist in its overall decisions.

Whelan believes that the current SCOTUS will continue to be leftist when Justice Kennedy is considered a “centrist” on the Court. After so many controversial decisions from the Court such as the Lawrence v. Texas decision, which invalidated sodomy laws in all 50 states; the Boumediene v. Bush, Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, Rasul v. Bush, which used foreign law in redefining the meanings of the U.S. Constitution and impacted national security; and Roper v. Simmons, Kennedy v. Louisiana, which dealt with death penalty cases.

It was Justice Kennedy who wrote the majority opinion in the Texas sodomy case, Lawrence v. Texas – and his reasoning is now being used to further the cause of the LGBT political agenda in America.

If one or more of the judicial conservatives on the Court retires during the remaining years of the Obama Administration, the Court will turn wildly to the left for decades to come. Once this happens, Obama's pro-homosexual, pro-Islam, socialist political agenda will become firmly entrenched in our culture.

The battle for the Supreme Court is a battle for the future of our nation. This is why fighting against the likes of Elena Kagan to serve in a lifetime position in one of the most powerful institutions in the U.S. is the only course of action!

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