Sunday, August 1, 2010

RattPo Public Service For Leftists & Other Malcontents: BUTT HURT REPORT FORM

The Rattington Post is pleased to provide the above 'Butt Hurt Report Form' as a public service to all the crybabies, whiners, whimperers, teeth gnashers & chest beaters, martyrs and most anyone else who is subject to this kind of infantile behavior when playing on Propeller, digg, Reditt, or any other social news site. Malcontents, Liberals, Democrats, Marxists, Socialists, Obama Supporters, Progressives, Kool-Aid Slurpers, the mentally stunted, sexual deviants, social outcasts, and Emo types... This form is for you! Best of all, it's FREE! To the welfare class and those jealous of the productive citizens of this nation, and the teachers unions, that would be you. You expect and love freebies and handouts! So use it. It's on us. You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Um, it's the conservatives who are butt-hurt and resorted to breaking the rules.
